Port 2797.5 Starboard 2818.25 Photos: http://gallery.me.com/sundogjoe/100557 Walked the docks tonight contemplating the events of the last couple days. I heard an older gentleman swearing at whoever was in the boat with him about his frustration of the mess the boat was in and could not help but think – man that is how I have been […]
Today We Say Today
Thursday May 28 We have a saying in our family when we are excited about an upcoming event and as we get close to the day we say tomorrow we say tomorrow so I just got the text from Cathy that “Today we say Today”. Caleb and I have been busily getting the boat ready […]
My Engine Room Is Smaller Than Yours
April 25 Photos http://gallery.me.com/sundogjoe#100534 7 hours down in the engine room with my coach Jim from North Harbor Diesel. Hard to stomach the expense but the training and the work he is helping me complete is invaluable. Much like my business it is well worth it to have someone that spends years working within a trade […]
Happy Easter
Just wanted to make a quick entry and wish everyone a Happy Easter – He Has Risen! http://gallery.me.com/sundogjoe#100519 Looks like the weather is turning back to more typical gray and wet here in the Puget Sound but it was such a treat to have the wonderful days of sunshine. Caleb and I are getting ready […]
Helicopter Flight in Friday Harbor
Port: 2786.9 Starboard: 2807.5 Started the day off on Friday flying in a R-22 Helicopter with my Nephew, Ryan. Perfect calm and sunny day and it was fun to have a bird’s eye view of the “Sundog” moored up. At the end of the run way he let me try out each of the controls […]
Sunrise At Friday Harbor
Friday April 22 Woke up about 5 in the morning yesterday determined to release the mooring lines and set sail – that is one of my favorite quotes right, and this is a boat right not just an expensive cabin tied to the docks. My crew slept through my stowing and running through the checklist […]
Wednesday 20th Today I got to know the electrical department and North Harbor Diesel. All in all it was a very successful albeit expensive day as we solved a fuse blowing quirk and found out that the main 8D batteries were ready for replacement. So now we have brand new main motor batteries and have […]
Maiden Voyage Trip
19th – 20th Before I headed out on this trip I confided with a friend about my fears with all the mechanical systems on the boat and my lack of knowledge in this area. He gave me a great thought that has helped that I will share. If you think of these challenges the same […]
The Boat is in the Water
Not without hickups but the boat made it to the docks… 🙂 It’s with mixed feelings I watch our new to us Grand Banks Classic head toward the water. It seems so unreal… I think I’m in denial. Anyway, the SUNDOG is in the water now! Caleb looks so happy… Joshua misses him terribly […]
Saturday through Monday the 18th
Where do I start, the last 2 days feel like 7 days with as much life and activity that has been stacking into them. As I write this I am safely moored at H-65 in the Harbor in Anacortes and all the activities that lead up to this peaceful evening flash by in a blur. […]
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