Not without hickups but the boat made it to the docks… 🙂
It’s with mixed feelings I watch our new to us Grand Banks Classic head toward the water. It seems so unreal… I think I’m in denial. Anyway, the SUNDOG is in the water now! Caleb looks so happy… Joshua misses him terribly even if it’s only to fight! 🙂 The triplets don’t know what’s going on and they don’t want to let us out of their sight.
We spent Saturday around the house hosting a “Cupcake Kids” bake sale to benefit Uganda’s M Orphanage through as Joe and Caleb packed, packed, packed, unpacked, unpacked, unpacked the 50 pound bags we sent down on the airplane and the MANY bags we had stored in the 15 passenger van from our November-December 2010 trip down to Washington to visit family over Daniel, Gabriel & Josiah’s 1st birthday. Life here is busy all day long… Not sure what to think of heading south for a trip from Annacortes WA to Haines Alaska on our 36′ Grand Banks Classic. I am so busy living one day at a time that I don’t think ahead much past what I’m doing at the moment… I haven’t even packed!!! Ahhhhh… uh oh! More to think about… What do 3 babies 16 1/2 months old need on a 1000+ mile boating trip?! Baby Einstein! Ah Ha! I ordered those videos to ship to WA yesterday! What do a 1st & 4th grade homeschooled boys need on a 1000+ mile boating trip?! Magic School Bus videos… Check! Ordered & shipped yesterday too… What about school?… Ummmmm mmmmm mmmmm Oh yes, Alaska Pacific University’s Sealife curriculum! Check… already on the boat as Joe took it down Friday! I” Bet he wondered “what in the world??!” when he opened that bag! 🙂 I’ve always been great at packing things in tight spaces but I’m sure he didn’t expect a 5 pound binder full of sealife curriculum! 🙂
And… now it’s time to get Joshua off to Alaska Club East for Tang Soo Do so… I’ll check in again later!
Cheers until next time!
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