It Begins Friday April 15 As I watch 2000 miles of country fly by on our Alaska Airlines flight in only 3 hours I can only help but wonder in amazement that what is a short flight in a jet will be 2-3 months of adventure boating from Anacortes Wa to our home port of […]
New Home For Our C-Dory
It is with a heavy hear that we have found a new home for our beloved C-Dory. We have truly enjoyed this boat since 2003 and as we counted up the days we calculate that our oldest Son Caleb has spent a full year of his life aboard. I was amazed at how many phone […]
Inside Passage Trip Itinerary
Inside Passage Itinerary April 15 Caleb and Joe arrive in Seattle with Granny April 16 Ride with Mark Standley to pick up Van (Thanks Mark) April 18 Monday – Launch boat and put into our month slip rental at April 19-20 Hang out in port – get all coast guard stuff up to speed […]
Inside Passage Trip
The Law Family’s Adventure Up Alaska’s Inside Passage One of my favorite quotes, in fact it is part of my email signature, is written by Mark Twain. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. […]
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