Wednesday 20th
Today I got to know the electrical department and North Harbor Diesel. All in all it was a very successful albeit expensive day as we solved a fuse blowing quirk and found out that the main 8D batteries were ready for replacement. So now we have brand new main motor batteries and have one smaller inverter bank batter to replace next. My Dad who is an electrical engineer would have really enjoyed today and wish he could have been there to learn the system with me. Some how art majors and electrical don’t go hand in hand but in a strange way I find myself excited about learning more. Never thought learning what an ohm or volt was would carry such importance. Although I hoped that the batteries I had would last I feel really good about having a new set to start out this trip.
Larry Carmichael arrived today for a couple day shakedown cruise and we sorted through a hand full of smaller issues including getting the anchor to go down (Turns out that is important) and test out the stove top and oven. Lots of little details to work through but if all looks good tomorrow we are going to do a good shake down trip to Friday Harbor or somewhere along the way. One of the fun challenges we are working on his how to make the aft cabin into a safe nursery including turning one of the beds into a crib by night and down to bed by day and with a little brainstorming I think we have it nailed and will head to Lowes to make the plan a realty. It has been great to connect with Caleb but I am really starting to miss the rest of the crew and really hope to have the boat ready for the chaos.
Gave Caleb a little challenge today and he came down pretty quickly saying he could not do it but he stuck with it and solved the riddle and I was proud to see him work through the problem – great stuff. Yesterday I met a gentleman named Rick with the boat named the Island Dreamer down on the end of F dock. His boat is used for charter and for him and his wife during the months that she has off from teaching. As I look around at all the boats for sale I am amazed at how many dreams and visions they represent and wonder about the stories attached to them. One boat right as I step down from the harbor master office or sale is called “My Dream”, it makes me wonder if it is not their dream any longer – what happened?
Well, time to hit the rack
Sundog Out
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