Friday April 22
Woke up about 5 in the morning yesterday determined to release the mooring lines and set sail – that is one of my favorite quotes right, and this is a boat right not just an expensive cabin tied to the docks. My crew slept through my stowing and running through the checklist that I am developing for launching at least until I fired up the twin diesels and Caleb came flying out of his bed with a big what the heck is going on look on his face. 10 minutes later we were off and out of the harbor on our way to Friday Harbor. I know this is not that big of a run – maybe 25 miles but it feels like such a huge accomplishment to be finally doing the first shake down without sales people or mechanics. A perfectly calm day all the way to Friday harbor with clear skies and the peaks of the olympics covered in snow and reflecting the sun we saw so little of the previous summer. As I sit her at Slip G-30 watching an amazing sunset arising it feels good to have this on little shakedown trip under the keel.
Met with my nephew/cousin (another story) Ryan Pope who lives on Friday Harbor working as a helicopter pilot and Caleb really enjoyed doing some flight simulation and flying a small remote controlled helicopter. Managed to find some of the odds and ends of our needs to work through some more maintenance on the boat but still have to to locate a shop with underwear. I had so much gear coming down that I started dropping essentials like underwear and I am almost thinking that these might become my lucky pair and like some baseball players who wear the same socks all season I might determine that these excellent black Hanes are my lucky charm. In fact I can hang them from the mast and in some way this could be our unique jolly roger:) Or at least a black plauge sort of warning. I think when Cathy arrives she will convince me come up with a new better smelling charm.
Here are some of the items on the list today.
– Buy Underwear – must be done
– Install Wirie wireless booster
– Clean Dingy
– Setup Crib in Aft Cabin
– Wash boat
– Install Smoke Alarm
– Trim down dowls that turn the dinette into a bed.
Caleb might have a chance to fly in a helicopter today and he is pretty excited.
Much To Do!
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