Well the jury is still out on the name of the boat but never the less we went out on the new to Mike Phelps 28′ aluminum boat for a test run last weekend out to Main Bay. It was just a 24 hour trip to take the boat through it’s paces and, if all went well, bring home some “bounty”. We had to fight our way across the commercial nets raising the motor as we slid over but eventually we made our way into the snagging zone and had the place all to ourselves. We could have almost walked across the fish on their backs. Needless to say we had our limit pretty quickly and it took all our discipline to wait until midnight so that we could catch our next day’s limit. We had our 18 fish in about 30 minutes and then went to bed exhausted. Other than a strange metallic noise and the swaying back and forth from being sideways in the surge from the bay, it was a good night. We were off early the next morning and faced some nice tall seas allowing us to see how the boat handled and it did great. Mike, thanks for the trip and I think you have a mighty fine boat and I look forward to being a part of some good memories.
Joe & Caleb
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